Emergency Preparedness - NYC

Emergency Preparedness - NYC

Recent hurricanes, blizzards and blackouts have shown New Yorkers the importance of being prepared for an emergency. However, thirty-three percent of New York residents have said they do not have any form of household emergency plan, and 66% do not have all of the recommended emergency supplies. On top of that, only 28% said they have a plan for how to find family members and reunite in the event of an emergency.

Launched in 2009, “Ready New York” is the New York City Emergency Management’s public education campaign for emergency preparedness—it’s designed to encourage the city’s 8.5 million residents to prepare for both natural and man-made emergencies and increase awareness of NYC EM’s suite of resources.

The latest campaign, in both English and Spanish, reminds New Yorkers that while you can’t be ready for every little disaster in life, you can prepare yourself and your family for a big one – like hurricanes, blizzards, blackouts, and more. The campaign urges New Yorkers to make an emergency plan today at NYC.gov/readyny or call 311.

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New York City Emergency Management (NYC Emergency Management)
Ad Council Creative Studio, OBERLAND


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